Aarhus University Seal

News and Events


One more publication in Green Chemistry!

- Publication

Have a look at our most recent publication involving a base-mediated deconstruction of epoxy polymers.

New publication in Green Chemistry!

- Publication

Have a look at our most recent publication on chemical disassembly of elastane fibres.

Poster Prize to Hongwei Sun at 23-ICOS

- Awards

Huge congratulations to Hongwei, who has won the poster prize at the 23rd International Conference in Organic Synthesis in Shanghai!

He presented his…

Publication in Eur. J. Org. Chem!

- Publication

Check out our latest publication by PhD student Julia on trifluoromethylthiolations!

First publication in Nature!

- Publication

We are extremely happy and proud to share that we have just published our research on catalytic disconnection of C-O bonds in epoxy resins and…

Welcome to two new visiting PhD students.

- People

We have the pleasure of welcoming two new visiting PhD students to our group. Thea Mayer from LIKAT in Rostock will be joining us for the next 4…