Aarhus University Seal

News and Events


Now online in JACS Au!

- Publication

We have just published a research paper in JACS Au involving the catalytic transformation of lignocellulose! It allows the synthesis of…

Publication in ACS Catalysis!

- Publication

In collaboration with Kim Daasbjerg's group and Ainara Nova's team we have just published our work on how to control product selectivity in CO2…

New publication in Synlett!

- Publication

We have just published our work on a nickel-catalyzed carbonylative coupling of alkylzinc reagents and α-bromo-α,α-diflouroacetamides. Congratulations…

Publication in JACS Au in collaboration with AstraZeneca!

- Publication

Our most recent work involves carbon-isotope-labeling of alkyl and aryl carboxylates applying palladacarboxylates. A huge congratulations to all…

New publication in Nature Synthesis.

- Publication

We have just published our recent work on multi-carbon labeling via hydroformylation. A huge congratulations to all the authors who have contributed!…

Hongwei has successfully defended his PhD!

- PhD defense

Congratulations to Hongwei Sun! He has today successfully defended his PhD thesis. And fortunately, he will be staying in our group as a Post Doc for…