Aarhus University Seal

News and Events


Publication in collaboration with AstraZeneca!

- Publication

Kim Mühlfenzl doing her PhD with AstraZeneca has just published a paper on visible light driven late stage isotope labeling of amides starting from…

Visiting PhD Student from Brazil!

- People

We are very happy to welcome Tomaz Chorro to our group! He will be staying here for 1 year as a visiting PhD student and will be looking into…

Publication in ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. in collaboration with Matthias Beller!

- Publication

Now online!! The work on deaminative hydrogenation of amides under mild conditions! Congrats to Laurynas for a successful internship at Matthias…

News & Views paper in Nature Chemistry is now online!

- Publication

We have published a News & Views paper in Nature Chemistry entitled "Enriched amino acids". It highlights the beautiful work on carbon isotope…