Aarhus University Seal

News and Events


PhD defense by Samuel Kjærsgaard

- PhD defense

Samuel Kjærsgaard will be defending his PhD thesis on the 22nd of June at 13.15 in the iNANO auditorium.

Welcome to Clemens!

- People

We are very pleased to welcome Clemens Victor Kaussler to the group. He has just started as a PhD student and will work on CO2 related projects as…

Publication in Chemistry European Journal

- Publication

We have just published a method for Pd-catalyzed difluoromethylations of aryl boronic acids, halides and pseudohalides using ex situ generated CF2HI. …

Publication in Biocunjugate Chem.

- Publication

We have recently published work on new phenol esters for the acylation of amines, peptides and proteins in collaboration with Novo Nordisk! Give it a…

Publication in ACIE!

- Publication

We have recently published a regioselective hydroalkylation involving a cooperative catalytic system consisting of nickel and copper. The method is…

New publication in JACS!

- Publication

We have just published a nickel-mediated alkoxycarbonylation for complete carbon isotope replacement! The developed procedure allows for the direct…