Most advanced electron microscope
Aiming for complex self-assembling nanostructures

From now on, researchers at Aarhus University will have better opportunities in their work developing and creating advanced nanostructures. Purchasing the market’s most advanced electron microscopes for iNANO lays the foundation for more rapid development of the molecular nanotechnology that is a kind of engineering art on a nanoscale. The aim is to produce complex self-assembling nanostructures that can assemble molecular electronics, deliver drugs directly into cells, or act as sensors that can detect viruses.
To read the article at Scitech homepage (in danish)
For more information about the microscopes, please contact
Professor Bo Brummersted
+45 8715 5982 / mobile +45 2778 2887
For more information about the research, please contact
Professor Kurt Gothelf
iNANO and Department of Chemistry
Aarhus University
+45 8715 6752 / mobile +45 6020 2725
Assistant Professor Ebbe S. Andersen
iNANO and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Aarhus University
+45 8715 6746 / mobile +45 4117 8619
For more information about iNANO, please contact
Director Jørgen Kjems
Aarhus University
+45 8715 6764 / mobile +45 2899 2086
For more information about DANDRITE, please contact:
Director Poul Nissen, DANDRITE and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University
Tlf: 8715 5508 / mobil: 2899 2295
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