New funding for research projects and infrastructure
Several iNANO researchers could go on Christmas holidays with the good news that they had received one or more research grants. Congratulations to Henrik Birkedal, Julián Valero Moreno, Menglin Chen, Jørgen Kjems, Magnus Kjærgaard, Poul Nissen, Michael Truong-Giang Nguyen, and Nikolaj Roth. Thank you to the Novo Nordisk Foundation, AUFF NOVA, and the Carlsberg Foundation.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation:
Project Grants in Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine
Professor Henrik Birkedal, Altered biomineralization in xlinked hypophosphatemia - a reflection of improper processing of mineralization controlling osteopontin, DKK 3,000,000
Novo Interdisciplinary Synergy
Professor Henrik Birkedal, Multiscale label-free 3D x-ray imaging: Visualizing cells and tissue architecture simultaneously (Xtreme-CT), Total grant is 15.000.000 of which Henrik Birkedal will receive DKK 3,500,000. DTU is main applicant.
Assistant Professor Julián Valero Moreno, Building artificial molecular motors using novel RNA catalysts, DKK 2,499,565
The Carlsberg Foundation:
Semper Ardens accelerate
Associate Professor Magnus Kjærgaard, Dephosphorylation dynamics in membraneless organelles, DKK 4,999,509. Read more about this project in a news article on
Research infrastructure
Associate Professor Menglin Chen, Volumetric Bioprinting of complex living‐tissue constructs within seconds, DKK 894,770
Professor Jørgen Kjems, Controlling the assembly of nanoparticles for RNA and protein encapsulation, DKK 800,000
Associate Professor Poul Nissen, A platform for yeast and mammalian cell culture production of membrane proteins, DKK 361,703
Internationaliserings fellowship
Postdoc Michael Truong-Giang Nguyen, Biosynthesis of genetically encoded biopolymers with abiological monomers, DKK 1,020,000
Reintegration fellowship
Postdoc Nikolaj Roth, Emergent Properties from Correlated Disorder, DKK 1,369,649