Aarhus University Seal

How to Install and Run iSMS

Installing the compiled version of iSMS

iSMS is written in MATLAB but is compiled into a standalone executable software not requiring MATLAB nor a MATLAB license.

  1. Download the compiled version here
  2. Run the downloaded setup file
  3. Follow the installation instructions on screen
  4. Run iSMS.exe to open the software


The compiled version requires a free MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) installed in order to run. If the MCR is not installed on the target computer the MCR will be downloaded and installed automatically during the installation process. For this reason you must have internet access when installing the software.

If you wish to install the software on a computer without internet access, download the correct MCR version here and install it on the target computer before running the iSMS setup file. You can find the correct MCR version in the readme file of the software.

Troubleshooting problems

If you experience problems running the compiled software please see the troubleshooting page.

Uninstall the compiled version of iSMS

To uninstall iSMS, run uninstall.exe which is located in the iSMS\uninstall\bin\X directory.

Running the compiled version

Run iSMS.exe to open the software. On windows, a shortcut has been put in your programs menu.

Installing the MATLAB version of iSMS

The MATLAB version of iSMS does not need to be installed but is run directly from directory. The necessary program folders are automatically added to MATLAB's search path when running the software - and cleaned up when closing.

  1. Download the MATLAB version of iSMS here
  2. Unzip the downloaded file

Uninstall the MATLAB version of iSMS

Simply delete the program folder to remove all associated files.

Running the MATLAB version

Run iSMS.m:

  1. Open iSMS.m in the MATLAB editor (double click the file)
  2. Run the file by pressing F5 or press the green 'Run' button in the toolbar menu
  3. If a dialog pops up asking to change folder, press 'Change Folder'

Troubleshooting problems

If you experience problems running the software in MATLAB please see the troubleshooting page.