Aarhus Universitets segl

News and Events


Perspective in ACS Org. Inorg. Au

- Publication

We have just published a perspective on the development of monomer recovery technologies from plastics designed to last. Check it out!

Publication in Nature Communications!

- Publication

Check out our most recent publication on a palladium-catalyzed electrocarboxylation.

Publication in ChemElectroChem

- Publication

Check out our newest publication in collaboration with Kim Daasbjerg's group and Morten Ahlquist's group!

One more publication in Green Chemistry!

- Publication

Have a look at our most recent publication involving a base-mediated deconstruction of epoxy polymers.

New publication in Green Chemistry!

- Publication

Have a look at our most recent publication on chemical disassembly of elastane fibres.


Follow-Up Meeting with DNRF

27 aug
Tirsdag 27. august 2024, kl. 09:00 M2 (1427-246)

The program will be announced later.

Part A defense by Daniel Vrønning Hoffmann

30 aug
Fredag 30. august 2024, kl. 13:15 iNANO Auditorium (1593-012)