Aarhus Universitets segl

News and Events


Welcome to Ruth!

- People

Ruth Ebenbauer has just joined our group has a PhD student. She was here in the spring to do parts of her Master studies, and has now decided to come…

Publication in ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.

- Publication

Check out our most recent publication on tert-amyl alcohol mediated deconstruction of polyurethane. Congratulations to Martin, Bjarke and Steffan on…

Lecture by Davide Audisio

- Lecture / talk

In connection with Samuel Kjærsgaard’s PhD defence, the opponent Davide Audisio will be giving a lecture on carbon isotope exchange on the 22nd of…

PhD defense by Samuel Kjærsgaard

- PhD defense

Samuel Kjærsgaard will be defending his PhD thesis on the 22nd of June at 13.15 in the iNANO auditorium.

Welcome to Clemens!

- People

We are very pleased to welcome Clemens Victor Kaussler to the group. He has just started as a PhD student and will work on CO2 related projects as…