Equipped with a cryogenic cooled liquid-state probe, several solid-state MAS probes for both bio and material purposes and a few static solid-state probes, this magnet offers the highest sensitivity and resolution for most purposes in all of Northern Europe.
The magnet is an actively shielded standard bore magnet. Used for both liquids and solids. Equipped with:
- 1H-13C-15N-2H 5 mm TCI liquid state CryoProbe
- 1H-13C-15N-2H 5 mm TXI liquid state probe
- 1H-X 4 mm MAS probe (with 40 MHz < X < 190 MHz, i.e. ranging from 39K to 29Si) from Bruker
- 1H-X 4 mm MAS probe (XX to YY) from PhoenixNMR
- 1H-13C-15N 3.2 mm MAS probe (maximum spinning frequency: 24 kHz)
- 1H-X-Y 2.5 mm MAS probe
- 1H-13C-15N-2H 1.9 mm MAS probe (maximum spinning frequency: 42 kHz)
- 1H- 13C-15N/31P flat coil probe for oriented sample studies
- 1H-13C-15N-2H 3 mm bicelle probe for oriented sample studies
- Sample jet with 5 x 96 containers for full automatic high throughput sample changing