Møller, K. T., Jørgensen, M., Andreasen, J. G., Skibsted, J., Łodziana, Z., Filinchuk, Y.
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Oktaviani, N. A., Pool, T. J.
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Shankar, R., Ernst, M., Madhu, P. K.
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Vinding, M. S., Brenner, D., Tse, D. H. Y., Vellmer, S.
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Malmos, K. G., Bjerring, M., Jessen, C. M., Nielsen, E. H. T., Poulsen, E. T., Christiansen, G., Vosegaard, T., Skrydstrup, T., Enghild, J. J., Pedersen, J. S. & Otzen, D. E. (2017).
Correction to: How glycosaminoglycans promote fibrillation of salmon calcitonin.
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Risør, M. W., Juhl, D. W., Bjerring, M., Mathiesen, J.
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Jakobsen, H. J., Lindhardt, A. T., Bildsøe, H., Skibsted, J., Gan, Z., Hung, I. & Larsen, F. H. (2017).
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Newlands, K. C.
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Journal of the American Ceramic Society,
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Henriksen, M. L., Ravnsbæk, J. B., Bjerring, M., Vosegaard, T., Daasbjerg, K. & Hinge, M. (2017).
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Shi, Z., Geiker, M. R., Lothenbach, B., De Weerdt, K.
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Vestergaard, M., Christensen, M., Hansen, S. K., Gronvall, D., Kjolbye, L. R., Vosegaard, T. & Schiott, B. (2017).
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Vinding, M. S., Guérin, B.
, Vosegaard, T. & Nielsen, N. C. (2017).
Local SAR, global SAR, and power-constrained large-flip- angle pulses with optimal control and virtual observation points.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
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Yoshimura, Y., Holmberg, M., Kukic, P.
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Journal of Biological Chemistry,
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Bowen, S., Rybalko, O., Petersen, J. R.
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Nielsen, N. S., Juhl, D. W., Poulsen, E. T., Lukassen, M. V., Poulsen, E. C., Risør, M. W., Scavenius, C. & Enghild, J. J. (2017).
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Mortensen, H. G., Madsen, J. K., Andersen, K. K., Vosegaard, T., Deen, G. R.
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Myoglobin and α-Lactalbumin Form Smaller Complexes with the Biosurfactant Rhamnolipid Than with SDS.
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Equbal, A., Madhu, P. K., Meier, B. H.
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Journal of Chemical Physics,
146(8), Article 139901.
Thomsen, R. M., Garzón, S. F., Herfort, D.
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Journal of the American Ceramic Society,
100(9), 4159-4172.
Møller, K. T., Jørgensen, M., Andreasen, J. G., Skibsted, J., Łodziana, Z., Filinchuk, Y.
& Jensen, T. R. (2017).
Potassium Tetraamidoboranealuminate, K[Al(NH2BH3)4]: Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Decomposition.. Poster session presented at Hydrogen-Metal Systems Gordon Research Conference 2017, Eastern, Massachusetts, United States.
Shi, Z., Geiker, M. R., De Weerdt, K., Østnor, T. A., Lothenbach, B., Winnefeld, F.
& Skibsted, J. (2017).
Role of calcium on chloride binding in hydrated Portland cement–metakaolin–limestone blends.
Cement and Concrete Research,
95, 205-216.
Equbal, A., Shankar, R., Leskes, M., Vega, S. S. S. S.
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Significance of symmetry in the nuclear spin Hamiltonian for efficient heteronuclear dipolar decoupling in solid-state NMR: A Floquet description of supercycled rCW schemes.
Journal of Chemical Physics,
146(10), Article 104202.
Drits, V. A.
, Skibsted, J., Dorzhievava, O. V., Fallick, A. E. & Lindgreen, H. (2017).
Structural characterization of marine nano-quartz in chalk and flint from North Sea Tertiary chalk reservoirs for oil and gas.
American Mineralogist,
102(7), 1402-1417.
Villadsen, N. L., Jacobsen, K. M., Keiding, U., Weibel, E. T., Christiansen, B., Vosegaard, T., Bjerring, M., Jensen, F., Johannsen, M., Tørring, T. & Poulsen, T. (2017).
Synthesis of ent-BE-43547A1 reveals a potent hypoxia-selective anticancer agent and uncovers the biosynthetic origin of the APD-CLD natural products.
Nature Chemistry,
9(3), 264-272.
Payandeh GharibDoust, S., Brighi, M., Sadikin, Y.
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Synthesis, Structure, and Li-Ion Conductivity of LiLa(BH4)3X, X = Cl, Br, I.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
121(35), 19010-19021.
Yang, C., Vu Quang, H., Husum, D. M. U., Tingskov, S. J. H., Vinding, M. S., Nielsen, T., Song, P., Nielsen, N. C., Nørregaard, R. & Kjems, J. (2017).
Theranostic poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticle for magnetic resonance/infrared fluorescence bimodal imaging and efficient siRNA delivery to macrophages and its evaluation in a kidney injury model.
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Andersen, O. J., Risør, M. W., Poulsen, E. C., Nielsen, N. C., Miao, Y.
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The reactive center loop insertion in α-1-antitrypsin captured by accelerated molecular dynamics simulation.
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Filsø, M., Chaaban, I., Al Shehabi, A.
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The structure-directing amine changes everything: Structures and optical properties of two-dimensional thiostannates.
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials,
73, 931-940.
Yoshimura, Y., Oktaviani, N. A., Yonezawa, K., Kamikubo, H.
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Unambiguous Determination of Protein Arginine Ionization States in Solution by NMR Spectroscopy.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
56(1), 239–242.
Vinding, M. S., Brenner, D., Tse, D. H. Y., Vellmer, S.
, Vosegaard, T., Suter, D., Stöcker, T. & Maximov, I. (2016).
Brain stem zoomed echo planar imaging with optimal control parallel transmit at 7T. Abstract from EUROMAR 2016, Aarhus, Denmark.
Vu Quang, H., Vinding, M. S., Xia, D., Nielsen, T., Ullisch, M. G., Dong, M., Nielsen, N. C. & Kjems, J. (2016).
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Kitahara, R.
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Detecting O2 binding sites in protein cavities.
Scientific Reports,
6, Article 20534.
Shi, Z., Lothenbach, B., Geiker, M. R., Kaufmann, J., Leemann, A., Ferreiro, S.
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Experimental studies and thermodynamic modeling of the carbonation of Portland cement, metakaolin and limestone mortars.
Cement and Concrete Research,
88, 60-72.
Basse, K., Shankar, R., Bjerring, M., Vosegaard, T., Nielsen, N. C. & Nielsen, A. B. (2016).
Handling the influence of chemical shift in amplitude-modulated heteronuclear dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR.
Journal of Chemical Physics,
145(9), Article 094202.
Equbal, A., Bjerring, M., Sharma, K., Madhu, P. K.
& Nielsen, N. C. (2016).
Heteronuclear decoupling in MAS NMR in the intermediate to fast sample spinning regime.
Chemical Physics Letters,
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