Aarhus University Seal

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Malthe Hansen-Bruhn

Malthe started as a bachelor student in the spring of 2013 with focus on synthesis of DNA-peptide conjugates for use in the BIOMOD ´13 competition. As a project student he was involved in various projects eventually joining the protein conjugation team. Malthe started his PhD studies in 2015 in the DETECT group with focus on developing rapid immunoassays for small molecule testing. During a 5-months stay at the Joseph Wang lab at University of California, San Diego, in 2017 Malthe worked on combining the CRISPR/Cas system with nanomotors. After obtaining his PhD in 2018, Malthe stayed in the Gothelf lab for 18 months further developing a prototype for rapid detection of small molecules in blood as well as developing a commercial understanding of in vitro diagnostics during an accelerator program by the BioInnovation Institute.

Malthe, Line Debois Frejlev Nielsen, and Kurt Gothelf founded MedicQuant in August 2019 based on findings made during the PhD studies. Malthe and Line have now spun out from the university and are pursuing the commercialization of the concept as life science entrepreneurs.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malthehansenbruhn/