Aarhus University Seal

Nanoscience Challenge Programme

What is the Nanoscience Challenge Programme?

The Nanoscience Challenge Programme is an opportunity for those who are keen on additional challenges beyond those you will encounter through the regular Nanoscience educational programme. The Challenge Programme gives you an early opportunity to develop some of the skills you will need if you want to pursue a career as an academic researcher. The Nanoscience Challenge Programme runs parallel to and on top of the ordinary 3-year bachelor program.


Everyone can participate in the 1st year Challenge Programme. Admission to the 2nd and 3rd year, on the other hand, is limited and admission is based on applications after the 1st year. Here you will primarily be judged based on how you have completed the regular courses, but the number of modules passed during 1st year of the Challenge Programme is also included in the assessment.

Specifically, it is a requirement that you have completed the full ordinary first-year program without any delay, with a grade average of at least 10.0, and that you have passed at least 3 of the Challenge Programme modules. If you have only passed 2 modules, you can also be admitted, with the requirement that you complete a 3rd module during 2nd year. Upon completion of the 2nd and 3rd year of the Challenge Programme, a special Challenge Programme Diploma is awarded in addition to the usual Bachelor's degree.   


Jeppe Vang Lauritsen

Acting center director, Professor Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-Fysik, iNANO-huset

For whom: Nanoscience students who are interested in challenges beyond the regular study programme.

When: The content of the Nanoscience Challenge Programme will be announced to all Nanoscience students in March during their second semester.

How much: The workload of a completed Nanoscience Challenge Programme will correspond to 30 ECTS in total during the 3 years of Bachelor's study in addition to the regular study programme.

Diploma: All Nanoscience students completing the Nanoscience Challenge Programme will receive a special Challenge Programme Diploma in addition to the usual Bachelor's degree.