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Assistant Professor Emil Laust Kristoffersen from iNANO and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics has written a popular science book titled "Da…
Researchers from iNANO and Department of Chemistry at Aarhus university have developed a better method for recycling polyurethane foam from items like…
Researchers from the interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) and Department of Chemistry at Aarhus University have significantly advanced the…
Kerry Hazeldine, a postdoc in Jeppe Vang Lauritsen’s Interfaces and Catalysis group, has been awarded an early career researcher poster prize at the…
Professor Daniel Otzen (iNANO, Aarhus University) has been awarded a DKK 6 million Distinguished Innovator Grant by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. This…
Associate Professor Ken Howard has been elected to the Controlled Release Society (CRS) College of Fellows. This prestigious recognition honors…
Professor Jeppe Vang Lauritsen has been named the new director of the Aarhus University Centre for Integrated Materials Research (iMAT). Succeeding Bo…
Three researchers from iNANO, Aarhus University, have been awarded the prestigious Sapere Aude grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. This…
Troels Skrydstrup and his team at Aarhus University have been awarded Plastprisen for the second consecutive year. This prestigious award recognizes…
We are proud to announce that iNANO researchers Professor Rikke Meyer and Professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk, have been inducted as members of The Royal…
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From the Nanoscience of Synthetic Soils to Growing Food in a Refugee Camp
PhD Student Cecilie Ryberg Jensen, iNANO
PhD Student Lisa Klimper, iNANO