LECTURE: Visit by Associate Professor Thomas LaBean, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University.
Associate professor, Thomas LaBean from North Carolina State University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, visited CDNA from July 10 to August 4 2016. During his visit he gave a lecture concerning his research projects. Prof. LaBean is a member of CDNA His current research projects involve the design, construction, and testing of self-assembling DNA nanostructures for applications in molecular materials, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, molecular robotics, and nanomedicine. Potential applications include the further miniaturization of electronics circuits and devices, creation of stimulus responsive constructs for chemo- and bio-sensing, and molecular therapeutics with inherent computational function.
To CDNA he brought 7 students: Jacob Majikes, Mary Beth Summers, Rachel Berezik, Dory Li, Amber Hochstetler, Nathan Beaumont and Pedro Carriel, who used the facilities in CDNA.