Aarhus University Seal

Distinguished iNANO Lecture: Industrial Biotechnology at DuPont

Senior Staff Scientist Charlotte Poulsen, Research & Development, DuPont Industrial Biosciences

Info about event


Friday 13 May 2016,  at 10:15 - 11:00


iNANO Auditorium (1593-012), Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C

Charlotte Poulsen

Senior Staff Scientist Charlotte Poulsen
Research & Development
DuPont Industrial Biosciences

Industrial Biotechnology at DuPont

The presentation will give a short introduction to DuPont and its biotechnology division “Industrial Biosciences”. It will be described how DuPont develop new enzymes and cell factories. This will be illustrated with an example of the development of a new galactooligosaccharide producing enzyme. Finally some of the market trends and drivers for food enzymes will be presented.

Host: Director & Professor Jørgen Kjems, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University