Aarhus University Seal

Distinguished iNANO Lecture: The aggregation of the 42-residue form of the amyloid-beta peptide

Professor Michele Vendruscolo, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK

Info about event


Friday 5 May 2017,  at 10:15 - 11:00


iNANO Auditorium (1593-012), Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C

Professor Michele Vendruscolo

Professor Michele Vendruscolo, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK

The aggregation of the 42-residue form of the amyloid-beta peptide

(Abeta42) is a pivotal event in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The use of chemical kinetics has recently enabled highly accurate quantifications of the effects of small molecules on specific microscopic steps in Abeta42 aggregation.

I will explain how we have exploited this approach to develop a rational drug discovery strategy against Abeta42 aggregation that uses as a read-out the changes in the nucleation and elongation rate constants caused by candidate small molecules. We have thus identified a pool of compounds that target specific microscopic steps in Abeta42 aggregation. We have then tested further these small molecules in human cerebrospinal fluid and in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of AD. These results show that this strategy represents a powerful approach to identify systematically small molecule lead compounds, thus offering an appealing opportunity to reduce the attrition problem in drug discovery.

Host: Professor Daniel Otzen, iNANO & Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Coffee, tea and buns will be served from 10:00 in front of the auditorium.