Aarhus University Seal

Brainnovation Day at AU

Sensors and Diagnostics

Info about event


Monday 7 November 2016,  at 08:30 - 16:00


iNANO, building 1590, Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C


Ph.d. Yvonne E.G. Eskildsen-Helmond yvonneeh@inano.au.dk


The aim of the Brainnovation day on Sensors and Diagnostics is to significantly increase dialogue and collaboration between the industry and AU (i.e. iNANO and the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering). This year we will address these two specific themes and, in particular, the many challenges associated with choice of technology, material integration, analysis methods, exploitation of new knowledge, etc.

The primary focus of the meeting is on challenges and problem-solving of industrial problems. In the morning session representatives from the companies Unisense, Foss Analytics, Bioporto, and Kamstrup will address the innovation taking place at their sites and describe some of the challenges they face. Likewise, two iNANO researchers will give an overview of their work in the field of sensor technologies.

After poster session, lunch, and a guided tour of iNANO, the afternoon will be dedicated fully to networking and brainstorming in focus groups on problems of relevance to the industry. Importantly, the problems or themes to be discussed are to be determined by the participants beforehand, and should be sent by mail to the organizing committee in due time before the meeting.

Program for Brainnovation Day AU 2016