Distinguished iNANO Lecture: Applying machine learning to fundamental scientific problems
Research Scientist James Kirkpatrick, Google Deepmind, London UK
Info about event
iNANO AUD (1593-012), Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C
Research Scientist James Kirkpatrick, Google Deepmind, London UK
Applying machine learning to fundamental scientific problems
I will discuss how modern machine learning methods can be leveraged to solve problems in basic science. Using recent result on protein folding and on the multi electron problem, I will show how AI has the potential to revolutionize computational science.
Host: Professor Bjørk Hammer, iNANO & Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, AU
Coffee, tea, and bread will be served from 10 am in front of iNANO AUD.