Distinguished iNANO lecture by Associate Professor Tue Hassenkam, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen
How can life begin
Info about event
iNANO AUD (1593-012)
Associate Professor Ebbe Sloth Andersen (esa@inano.au.dk)
How can life begin
Associate Professor Tue Hassenkam, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen
One of the most perplexing enigmas in natural science is the origin of life. Surprisingly, our understanding of this topic remains rudimentary at best. Nonetheless, there are several key points that shows the necessity of nano scale approaches in addressing this question. During the talk I will briefly go through definitions of life, the history trajectory of origin-of-life research and the prevailing trends within the research field. Finally I will argue why I think we need nano-science to unravel the question and present experimental data from our laboratory in support of this assertion.