Distinguished iNANO Lecture:Graphene as a substrate for new materials
Thomas Michely, II.Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Germany
Info about event
iNANO AUD (1593-012), Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Institute of Physics II Dep. of Physics
Graphene as a substrate for new materials.
Three examples for the use of graphene (Gr) as substrate for the growth of new materials are given.
First, we investigate the interaction of reactive carbon with a Gr on Ir(111). While at high temperatures carbon densifies the existing Gr layer and, upon saturation, precipitates as a new Gr layer underneath, at ambient conditions the formation of a regular array of fullerene-like hemispheres with a pitch of 2.5 nm and high thermal stability results.
Second, it is demonstrated that Gr is a versatile template for the growth of monolayers of transition metal disulfides, enabling to investigate these materials in their pristine state.
Third, a new on-surface synthesis method is reported that enables the growth of sandwich molecular nanowires. The synthesis is based on the use of Gr as an inert substrate and relies on the simultaneous deposition of rare earth metal atoms and organic ligands. These nanowires are a new class of 1D magnetic entities, distinct from 0D single molecule magnets and 2D organo-metallic networks.
Host: Associate Professor Liv Hornekær, iNANO and Dept. of Physics and Astronomy