Aarhus University Seal

iNANO Alumni Day 2017

iNANO invites former and previous Nanoscience students to network and hear about examples of Nanoscience careers. Register on 7 november 2017 the latest.

Info about event


Friday 17 November 2017,  at 11:00 - 17:00


iNANO AUD (1593-012), Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C



It is the 15th anniversary of iNANO and the Nanoscience educational programme this year and it has been 5 years since we moved into the new iNANO building. Presently, 325 people have obtained a bachelor's and/or Master’s degree in Nanoscience. Consequently, there is a lot to celebrate and we mark this by having iNANO Alumni Day on Friday 17 Nov, 2017.

The event will be in Danish.

Register here on 7 Nov the latest: https://auws.au.dk/iNANO_Alumnedag_2017

  • The programme from 11.00-14.00 is for Nanoscience alumni (incl. Part B students) and iNANO VIPs.
  • From 14.00 current students on Bachelor’s and Master’s Nanoscience programme (incl. Part A students) are welcome and are highly encouraged to participate.


  • 11.00 Coffee get-together (iNANO Foyer)
  • 11.30 Welcome by Jørgen Kjems                       
  • 11.40 Talks by iNANO
    • 11.40 Ebbe S. Andersen, “Biomolecular nano-robots”
    • 12.05 Liv Hornekær, “Graphene: from basic research to applications”                           
  • 12.30 Lunch for Nanoscience alumni (incl. Part B students) and iNANO VIPs  
  • 13.15 Talks by iNANO
    • 13.15 Henrik Birkedal, “Superman X-ray vision in 3D and on nanoscale”                       
    • 13.40 ‘News from iNANO’ by Jørgen Kjems         
  • 14.00 Coffee and cake             
  • 14.15 Talks by Nanoscience alumni   
  • 15.35 Short talks by Nanoscience alumni
  • 16.00-17:00: ”Meet an alumnus”-networking between alumni and current Nanoscience students
  • From kl. 16.00: Nanorama Fredagsbar is open

Read also about iNANO's alumni activities here https://inano.au.dk/alumne including how to become a member of the iNANO LinkedIn Alumni group.