Quantum Campus Aarhus Kickoff
All group leaders and group members at all faculties of Aarhus University, interested in quantum technologies, are invited to the official launch of the Quantum Campus Aarhus Initiative. (Registration needed)

Info about event
iNANO Auditorium (1593-012)
Registration is now open for the Quantum Campus Aarhus Kickoff event on 23 May 2024 at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO).
All group leaders and group members at all faculties of Aarhus University, interested in quantum technologies, are invited to the official launch of the Quantum Campus Aarhus (QCA) Initiative. (Registration is needed for catering purposes).
Please forward to phd students and post docs who may be interested in joining the event as well.
About the Event:
Join us for a full day of presentations, networking, and activities focused on quantum technologies at Aarhus University. This event is an excellent opportunity for all researchers interested in quantum technologies to gather insights, collaborate, and explore the following:
- Talks on research in Quantum Technologies
- Networking During Poster Sessions
- QCA Logo Competition
Program Highlights:
- Talks by leading researchers including Bas Spitters (CS), Sarang S Dalal (CFIN), Nikolaj Zinner (PHYS, Kvantify), Ove Christiansen (CHEM), Michael Drewsen (PHYS), Andreas Roepstorff (AIAS), and more.
- Topics like quantum computation, quantum sensors, quantum software, quantum materials, quantum and society, and more.
Special Call for Entries:
We are seeking creative submissions for the new QCA logo! Please send your designs to lrlp@inano.au.dk by 17 May 2024.
This event is free of charge.