Aarhus University Seal

Specialized iNANO Lecture by Professor Valeska Ting

Evaluation of nanoporous materials for applications in hydrogen storage

Info about event


Monday 3 October 2022,  at 10:15 - 11:00




Professor Mingdong Dong (dong@inano.au.dk)

Professor Valeska Ting, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, UK

Evaluation of nanoporous materials for applications in hydrogen storage

Bio: Valeska Ting is a Professor of Smart Nanomaterials in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and served as Research Director for the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bristol. She leads a team of researchers developing nanoporous materials for sustainable applications including hydrogen storage, holds an EPSRC Research Fellowship in Energy and is a member of the Strategic Advisory Committee for the EPSRC-led cross-research council Energy theme.

She was awarded the 2013 Institution of Chemical Engineers’ Sir Frederick Warner medal (international award presented every 2 years for work in sustainability), was the 2013 recipient of the UK's Parliamentary and Scientific Committee's SET for Britain Gold Medal for Engineering, and the Westminster Medal, and in 2020 was named one of the Top 50 Women in Engineering.