Specialized iNANO Lecture: Cotranscriptional Folding of RNA Nanostructures
Associate professor Ebbe Sloth Andersen, iNANO, Aarhus University
Info about event
Aud II, 1514-110, Department of Chemistry, Langelandsgade 140, 8000 Aarhus C

Associate professor Ebbe Sloth Andersen, iNANO, Aarhus University
Cotranscriptional Folding of RNA Nanostructures
RNA nanotechnology has the great potential to allow us to produce well-defined nanostructures and devices inside cells and thus open up a wide range of design opportunities in synthetic biology. To achieve this goal we need to understand the design principles of geometry, folding kinetics and topology that will allow us to genetically encode well-defined RNA nanostructures that self-assemble during the transcription process. We have recently introduced the single-stranded RNA origami method and validated the architecture by transcribing RNA tiles that assemble into hexagonal lattices. Here I will introduce new software tools that allow you to design RNA origami structures and decorate them with functional modules, and our latest progress in developing large three-dimensional RNA origami structures.
Host: Associate Professor Brigitte Städler, iNANO and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University