Aarhus University Seal

Biomedical surface group (senior researcher Morten Foss)

Welcome to the website of "Biomedical surface group" headed by senior researcher Morten Foss

The group contains interdisciplinary competences and has research interests in the area of surfaces/interfaces related to biomedical applications. In terms of specific applications, the research focuses on synthesis of novel nano-functionalized materials, large-scale screening of surface cues for guided cellular response, and non-fouling surfaces. We are both focusing on basic research and applied science. The group has a strong collaboration both with industry and a number of national and international scientific groups.

Masters projects are available. If you interest, Please contact Morten Foss foss@inano.au.dk



Morten Foss

Direct phone: 87155859

Mobile: 23382098

Email: foss@inano.au.dk

Office: 1521-127

Address: Building 1521-127, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Ny Munkegade 118, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C Denmark