Aarhus University Seal

Kari Tanderup


Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Kari Tanderup

Areas of expertise

  • Radiotherapy
  • Environmental sustainability

Contact information

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My main research interests are gyneacological cancer radiotherapy, clinical studies, and environmental sustainability. Within these topics I have authored 200+ papers and have supervised 15+ PhD students.

During the last 15 years I have actively contributed to various activities in the European Society of Radiation Oncology (ESTRO). This includes being ESTRO board member (2019-2025), chair of ESTRO Green Task Force (2023-), chair of GEC ESTRO gyn WG (2015-2025), co-chair of ESTRO gyn focus group (2024-), and course director of ESTRO and AROI/ESTRO gyn teaching courses. The GEC ESTRO gyn network represents the most active core European academic centers within gynecological brachytherapy, and also embraces members from India, Canada and USA. Through past and on-going activities this group is internationally recognized as a leading group in gynecological image guided radiotherapy. The group has published international guidelines, which are now used worldwide. The GEC ESTRO gyn group has also initiated the EMBRACE studies. EMBRACE I is an international multicenter study on MRI guided brachytherapy in cervix cancer (1416 patients enrolled in the period 2008-2015), and this material is currently generating a wealth of clinical evidence on outcome as well as dose and effect relationships. The EMBRACE II study is benchmarking advanced EBRT (IMRT and IGRT) and BT (prescription protocol and advanced applicators) (1456 patients enrolled in the period 2016-2021). The ESTRO gyn network is currently preparing studies on risk adaptive treatment as well as treatment of oligometastatic disease and re-irradiation in cervix cancer (retroCOSMOS).

Finally, I am interested in environmental sustainability in the context of radiotherapy. I am currently coordinating international efforts to facilitate and promote research in environmental sustainability through network meetings and joint research activities. Research projects includes assessment of the carbon footprint of both external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy.

Selected publications

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