Aarhus University Seal

Bent Honoré


Professor, MD, DMSc

Primary affiliation

Bent Honoré

Areas of expertise

  • Proteomics
  • LC-MS/MS
  • Biomarkers
  • Drug Targets

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I have a background as an MD, and as a Professor, I lead a proteomics research group with a primary focus on studying protein perturbations in various diseases using proteomics techniques.


Some of the perturbed proteins may eventually serve as diagnostic, prognostic or predictive biomarkers or may be suitable targets for drug treatment. Our research covers a broad spectrum of sample types, including serum, plasma, exhaled breath condensate (EBC), fresh-frozen tissue and archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. These samples are collected and analyzed in collaboration with various research institutions and clinical departments in Denmark and abroad.

Our studies primarily focus on eye diseases, lymphoma, and other cancers. Additionally, in collaboration with partners, we conduct fundamental scientific studies using laboratory animal models and cell culture models. We employ a variety of proteomic techniques, with a major focus on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for protein identification based on peptide sequence analysis.

The laboratory is equipped with Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers, including an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid and a TSQ Quantiva triple quadrupole. Furthermore, a wide range of techniques in biochemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology are used for basic studies. Bioinformatics analyses are then performed to characterize disease-related biological changes, and differentially upregulated proteins may also serve as potential drug targets.

Teaching activities

I teach in the biochemistry course for medical students and am primarily responsible for the written exam. I also supervise students for their bachelor's thesis.


I collaborate with several clinical and research departments in Denmark as well as abroad. Basically, the goal of these projects is to map the biological changes occurring in diseases in order to find putative biomarkers as well as drug targets.


Adjunct Professor of Clinical Proteomics at Aalborg University.

Section Board Member of International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Job responsibilities

My primary responsibility is conducting proteomics analyses, mainly using mass spectrometry techniques. This work is carried out in collaboration with several clinical departments, both locally and internationally.

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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