Aarhus University Seal

Alexander Zelikin

Alexander Zelikin

Professor Department of Chemistry


  • Polymers
  • Hydrogels
  • Prodrugs
  • Antiviral Therapy
  • Enzyme Prodrug Therapy
  • Nanozymes
  • Artificial receptors

Head of Medicinal Polymer Chemistry Lab

Associate Professor Alexander N. Zelikin
PhD in Polymer Chemistry

We think you need polymers!

We use and further develop advanced tools of polymer chemistry and apply these to address the current challenges of biomedicine. Put simply, we are doing our best to deliver drugs in a smarter way to where it hurts.

One arm of our research considers antiviral therapy. Viruses are amazing: despite global efforts, viruses continue to be a huge socio-economic burden and a significant health care challenge. Polymers present unique opportunities to directly neutralize viruses and - often - to counter the activity of the viruses, i.e. fight viral diseases. Our excellence in chemistry is matched by the highest level of expertise in virology possessed by our partners at the Aarhus University Hospital as well as our international collaborators.

We are also developing a unique approach to site-specific drug delivery using implantable biomaterials – we synthesize the drugs within the therapeutic implants. You need the drug you want, where and when you need it, and in the dose you need. OK – we are doing our best to make it happen! This research is every bit translational; that is to say, we talk to the medical and veterinary scientists as often as we can to make sure we develop what is really needed in the clinic.

Our research is highly interdisciplinary; members of our team come from different schools and departments. We are always open to new expertise so come join us for a conversation or collaboration!

Recent publications