Aarhus University Seal

Co-financed collaboration projects

The term "co-financed collaboration" refers to university-industry collaborations - research projects - in which all parties contribute with resources to finance and carry out the shared project.

The projects are not purely commercial, although their results have commercial potential. In other words, this type of project has to fit well with the university research programme and contribute to the knowledge pool.

In such cases, the university covers part of project expenses. And the projects can also be eligible for public research and/or innovation grants.

The parties agree on the project area - and on the course and process of it. The project  should unite and balance  the needs of both parties and – at the same time – meet a series of scientific criteria regarding relevance and quality.

Once a verbal agreement has been made, a written collaboration agreement should be prepared to establish e.g. the conditions in relation to intellectual property rights, publication and confidentiality.

Our employees are experts in finding funding opportunities for this type of project, and they will work with  you to find the best match.

Please contact us on inano@inano.au.dk for further information on the possibilities for co-financed collaboration projects. Or read more on the most common funding instruments here.