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Hjorth, C. F., Hubálek, F., Andersson, J., Poulsen, C.
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Christoffersen, H. F.
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Mohammad-Beigi, H., Shojaosadati, S. A., Marvian, A. T.
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Tian, P., Boomsma, W., Wang, Y.
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Estrela, N., Franquelim, H. G., Lopes, C., Tavares, E., Macedo, J. A.
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Madsen, J., Pihl, R., Møller, A. H., Tranberg Madsen, A., Otzen, D. & Andersen, K. K. (2015).
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Frahm, H., Hansen, S. K., Vad, B. S., Nielsen, E. H., Nielsen, J. T., Vosegaard, T., Skrydstrup, T. & Otzen, D. E. (2015).
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Poulsen, E. T., Runager, K., Risør, M. W., Dyrlund, T. F., Scavenius, C., Karring, H., Praetorius, J., Vorum, H., Otzen, D. E., Klintworth, G. K.
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Ghodke, S. D., Jensen, G. V., Svane, A. S. P., Weise, K.
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Dueholm, M. S., Søndergaard, M., Nilsson, M.
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Abelein, A.
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Underhaug, J., Koldsø, H., Runager, K., Nielsen, J. T., Sørensen, C. S., Kristensen, T., Otzen, D., Karring, H., Malmendal, A., Schiøtt, B., Enghild, J. J. & Nielsen, N. C. (2013).
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