Aarhus University Seal

Elena Ferapontova

Elena Ferapontova

Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-Kemi, iNANO-huset


  • Bioelectronics
  • Antifouling Surfaces
  • Electrocatalysis
  • Bioelectrocatalysis
  • Electroenzymatic Biotransformation
  • Biofuel Cells
  • Bioelectronic Sensing
  • Long-Range Electron Transfer
  • Biomedical Diagnostic Devices
  • Environmental Monitoring Sensors

Head of Electrochemical Biosensors and Bioelectrocatalysis group

Associate Professor Elena E. Ferapontova
PhD in Electrochemistry, Kinetics and Catalysis

Biosensors, Bioelectronics, and Bioelectricity

Our research is focused on electrical and electrocatalytic properties of nucleic acids and enzymes, which we use to develop advanced nanotechnologies for clinical and point-of-care diagnostics, food and environmental biosensors, and novel bioenergy and bioelectronic materials.

The group develops DNA nanotechnologies that exploit electron transport properties of nucleic acids underlying the operation of molecular bioelectronics devices and electrochemical biosensors for cancer biomarkers, neurotransmitters in brain models, and environmental toxicity screening.

Another research direction covers the adaptation of biotechnologically and scientifically challenging enzymatic systems for electrode functioning. The goal is to achieve the most efficient electrochemical wiring of proteins and their bioelectrocatalysis, which can be used in electrochemical biosensors for clinically and industrially important analytes and for sustainable production of electricity in hybrid bio(photo)voltaic devices.

One of our current projects is NUMEN, which focuses on the development of ultrasensitive biosensor nanotechnologies for the analysis of pathogenic microorganisms in air and water, with several industrial collaborations involved such as sensor-producing Unisense, pump-producing Grundfos, and air-analyzer producer TSI Inc.