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Wittig, N. K., Østergaard, M., Palle, J., Christensen, T. E. K., Langdahl, B. L., Rejnmark, L., Hauge, E. M., Brüel, A., Thomsen, J. S. & Birkedal, H. (2022).
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Bünger, M. H., Foss, M., Erlacher, K., Hovgaard, M. B., Chevallier, J., Langdahl, B., Bünger, C.
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Hoac, B.
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Genetic Ablation of Osteopontin in Osteomalacic Hyp Mice Partially Rescues the Deficient Mineralization Without Correcting Hypophosphatemia.
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Palle, J., Wittig, N. K., Kubec, A., Niese, S., Rosenthal, M., Burghammer, M., Grünewald, T. A.
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Pedersen, S. L., Huynh, T. H., Pöschko, P., Fruergaard, A. S., Jarlstad Olesen, M. T., Chen, Y., Birkedal, H., Subbiahdoss, G., Reimhult, E.
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Grünewald, T. A., Liebi, M.
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Mapping the 3D orientation of nanocrystals and nanostructures in human bone: Indications of novel structural features.
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Wittig, N. K., Palle, J., Østergaard, M., Frølich, S., Birkbak, M. E., Spiers, K. M., Garrevoet, J.
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